Morning Time Weather Recording with Preschoolers

Original price was: $1.99.Current price is: $0.00.

Printable weather graphing and recording activity ideal for preschool morning time.

  • Record the weather day to day
  • Use the record to make a simple pictorial graph of the weather

As it is printable you can print multiple copies and use it over a week, month, season or year.

You will need

  • Printer – we use an Epson Eco-Tank ET-7700 for all our printables in the Rainy Day Mum house (read about it here)
  • Card
  • Scissors
  • Sticky dots

Read how we use this printable activity with our preschool at home and how I have used it in a classroom with our Morning Weather Recording and Graphing with Preschoolers.

weather graphing morning time printable activity for preschoolersMorning Time Weather Recording with Preschoolers
Original price was: $1.99.Current price is: $0.00.