FREE Printable Circus I Spy Game for Preschoolers


FREE Printable I SPY Circus Themed Game for Toddlers & Preschoolers

A simple cover and count at the circus I Spy game for preschoolers.

Cover the matching objects on these 2 sheets and count the objects.

Great for 1 to 1 correspondence counting with toddlers and preschoolers.

TOP TIP! – Use counters to cover the objects as you count and then add up the number of counters you have for that object.

You will need

  • Printer – we use an EcoTank Printer for environmentally friendly and economic use in the Rainy Day Mum House – read about it here.
  • White paper or card
  • Counters
  • Marker to record the number of objects counted
i spy at the circus counting game for toddlers and preschoolersFREE Printable Circus I Spy Game for Preschoolers